11. Appendix - B The System Configuration File

Genesis of the OpenPOWER Cloud Reference Config is controlled by the opcr.cfg.yml file. This file is stored in YAML format. The definition of the fields and the YAML file format are documented below.

11.1. config.yml Field Definitions (incomplete)

Keyword Description Required/ Optional Format Example
cidr-mgmt-switch-external-dev If the label-mgmt-switch-external-dev key is not present in the config file and there is not an existing route to the addresses listed in ipaddr-mgmt-switch-ext, Genesis will temporarily configure this address on each ‘up’ interface on the deployer node in turn looking for one which can communicate with the management switch(es). After Genesis configures the management switch with the address it will use, it will remove this interface adddress. O    
deployment-environment Set deployer environment variables to be set during deployment. See config file deployment environment. O (dictionary)  
introspection-enabled Enable introspection mode. See config file introspection. O (boolean) true
ipaddr-data-switch This is a list of ipv4 addresses of the management ports of the data switches. This address must be manually configured on the data switches before genesis begins. Users should also plan to allocate one or more additional ip addresses for each pair of data switches. These addresses are used by the switches for inter-switch communication. All of the management interfaces for the management switches and the data switches must reside in one subnet. This subnet must be different than the subnet used for the cluster management network. R (string)
ipaddr-mgmt-client-network Cluster node management network address in CIDR format. This is the network that the PXE and BMC ports will reside in. This network will reside in the vlan specified by the vlan-mgmt-client-network key. Note that the management ports of all switches will reside in a different subnet and vlan. R (string)
ipaddr-mgmt-switch List of IP v4 address to be used for the interface Genesis will create on the management switches in the cluster. These will be in the vlan specified by the vlan-mgmt-network key. The subnet mask to be used on the created interface is defined by the ipaddr-mgmt-network key. Depending on the switch, this interface may be able to exist on the same physical port as the interface on which ipaddr-mgmt-switch-ext is defined. R (dictionary)
ipaddr-mgmt-switch-ext List of externally accessible ipv4 addresses of the management interfaces for the management switches in the cluster. Here, externally is used to indicate that these addresses are visible from outside the cluster (ie on the user’s intranet) and available for monitoring or other management purposes. These ip addresses must be manually configured on the management switches before genesis begins. The OpenPOWER cluster genesis will look for management switches at the specified addresses. Genesis will create an additional interface on the management switch in the vlan specified by the vlan-mgmt-network key in the config.yml file. Usually, one management switch would be physically located in each rack or with each cell. Note that all of the management interfaces for the management switch and the data switches must reside in one subnet. This subnet must be different than the subnet used for the cluster node network. R (dictionary)
log_level Sets the level for Genesis logging. Valid levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. See config file default log level. When omitted, log_level defaults to “DEBUG”. O (string) DEBUG
label-mgmt-switch-external-dev This is the device name of the physical port on the deployer which connects to the management switch. If included in the config file, Genesis will not try to auto-detect the port to use to communicate to the management switch, but instead will use this port during intial set up of the management switch. O (string) enp1s0f0
os-disk Sets the disk to be used for OS installation. This key can be set individually for each compute template. If not set, Genesis will install the OS on the first available disk (the first disk enumerated by the OS). If a list of two disks is set, Genesis will set configure the installation for RAID-1 software mirroring. O (string) or list /dev/sda
password-default Default password to be set for all cluster node OS access R (string)  
password-mgmt-switch Pasword of the management switch’s management port. Passwords of the mangement ports of all management switches must be manually configured on the management switch before genesis begins. During genesis, all management switches are assumed to have the same userid and password. R (string)  
port-mgmt-data-network: This key is used to hold the port numbers on the cluster management switches which connect to management ports of data switches. These ports will have there PVID (native vlan) set to the value specified by the vlan-mgmt-client-network key. R (dictionary)  
userid-data-switch User ID of the management port of the data switch. This userid must be manually configured on the data switch(es) prior to genesis. R (string) joeuser
userid-default Default userid to be set for all cluster node host OS access R (string)  
userid-mgmt-switch Userid of the management switch’s management port. User ID’s of the management ports of all management switches must be manually configured on the management switch before genesis begins. During genesis, all management switches are assumed to have the same userid and password. If not specified, the default userid will be used. R (string)  
password-data-switch Password for the management port of the data switch. This password must be manually configured on the data switch(es) prior to genesis. R (string) passw0rd
version See config file version. R x.x 1.1
vlan-mgmt-network This key specifies the vlan on the management switch(es) which contains the management interfaces of all switches in the cluster.      
vlan-mgmt-client-network This key specifies the vlan on the management switch(es) which contains the BMC and PXE ports for all nodes in the cluster.      
write-switch-memory Enable automatic writing of switch configuration to flash memory. See config file write switch configuration to flash memory O (boolean) true

11.2. config.yml YAML File format:

# Copyright 2017 IBM Corp.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This sample configuration file documents all of the supported key values
# supported by the genesis software. It can be used as the basis for creating
# your own config.yml file. Note that keywords with a leading underscore
# can be changed by the end user as appropriate for your application.(e.g.
# "_rack1" could be changed to "base-rack")

# This sample configuration file documents all of the supported key values
# supported by the genesis software.  It can be used as the basis for creating
# your own config.yml file.  Note that keywords with a leading underscore
# can be changed by the end user as appropriate for your application. (e.g.
# "_rack1" could be changed to "base-rack")

version: 1.1

vlan-mgmt-network: 16
vlan-mgmt-client-network: 20
port-mgmt-network: 1
# NOTE: The "_rack:" keywords must match the the corresponding rack keyword
# under the keyword;
# node-templates:
#     _node name:
#         ports:
    _rack1: 47
redundant-network: false
userid-default: user
password-default: passw0rd
# An encrypted password hash can also be provided using the following format:
# password-default-crypted: $6$STFB8U/AyA$sVhg5a/2RvDiXof9EhADVcUm/7Tq8T4m0dcdHLFZkOr.pCjJr2eH8RS56W7ZUWw6Zsm2sKrkcS4Xc8910JMOw.
userid-mgmt-switch: user        # applied to all mgmt switches
password-mgmt-switch: passw0rd  # applied to all mgmt switches
userid-data-switch: user
password-data-switch: passw0rd
# Rack information is optional (not required to be present)
    - rack-id: rack1
      data-center: dataeast
      room: room33
      row: row1
        description: Organization site or external network
            -            # single address
            -  # address range
        dns-search: your.dns.com
        method: static
        eth-port: eth10
        mtu: 9000
        description: Interface for eth11
        method: manual
        eth-port: eth11
        description: Change pxe port(eth15) to dhcp
        method: dhcp
        eth-port: eth15
        description: Multilink bond
        bond: mybond0
            -              # single address
            -  # address range
        dns-search: mycompany.domain.com
        method: static
        # name of physical interfaces to bond together.
            - eth0
            - eth1
        # if necessary not all bond modes support a primary slave
        bond-primary: eth10
        # bond-mode, needs to be one of 7 types
        # either name or number can be used.
        # 0 balance-rr
        # 1 active-backup
        # 2 balance-xor
        # 3 broadcast
        # 4 802.3ad
        # 5 balance-tlb
        # 6 balance-alb
        # bond-mode: active-backup
        bond-mode: 1
        # there is a long list of optional bond arguments.
        # Specify them here and they will be added to end of bond definition
            bond-miimon: 100
            bond-lacp-rate: 1
        description: bond network to be used by future bridges
        bond: bond1
        method: manual
        bond-mode: balance-rr
            - eth10
            - eth11
        description: Cluster Management Network
        bridge: br-mgmt
        method: static
        tcp_segmentation_offload: "off"  # on/off values need to be enclosed in quotes
        vlan: 10
        eth-port: eth10
        bridge-port: veth-infra  # add a veth pair to the bridge
        description: vm vxlan Network
        bridge: br-vxlan
        method: static
        vlan: 30
        eth-port: eth11
        description: vm vlan Network
        bridge: br-vlan
        method: static
        addr:  # Host nodes do not get IPs assigned in this network
        eth-port: eth11  # No specified vlan.  Allows use with untagged vlan
        bridge-port: veth12
        hostname: controller
        userid-ipmi: userid
        password-ipmi: password
        cobbler-profile: ubuntu-14.04.4-server-amd64
        os-disk: /dev/sda
            - name: user1
              groups: sudo
            - name: testuser1
              groups: testgroup
            - name: testgroup
            mac-pxe: eth15    # This keyword is paired to ports: pxe: keyword
            mac-eth10: eth10  # This keyword is paired to ports: eth10: keyword
            mac-eth11: eth11  # This keyword is paired to ports: eth11: keyword
        # Each host has one network interface for each of these ports and
        # these port numbers represent the switch port number to which the host
        # interface is physically cabled.
        # To add or remove hosts for this node-template you add or remove
        # switch port numbers to these ports.
                    - 1
                    - 2
                    - 3
                    - 4
                    - 5
                    - 6
                    - 1
                    - 2
                    - 3
                    - 4
                    - 5
                    - 6
            - _cluster-mgmt
            - _vm-vxlan-network
            - _vm-vlan-network
            - _external1
            - _external2
            - _pxe-dhcp
            - _manual-bond1
            - _standalone-bond0
        hostname: compute
        userid-ipmi: userid
        password-ipmi: password
        cobbler-profile: ubuntu-14.04.4-server-amd64
            mac-pxe: eth15
            mac-eth10: eth10
            mac-eth11: eth11
        # Each host has one network interface for each of these ports and
        # these port numbers represent the switch port number to which the host
        # interface is cabled.
        # To add or remove hosts for this node-template you add or remove
        # switch port numbers to these ports.
                    - 7
                    - 8
                    - 9
                    - 10
                    - 11
                    - 12
                    - 7
                    - 8
                    - 9
                    - 10
                    - 11
                    - 12
            - _cluster-mgmt
            - _vm-vxlan-network
            - _vm-vlan-network
            - _external1
            - _external2
            - _pxe-dhcp
            - _manual-bond1
            - _standalone-bond0

    all: apt-get update
    compute[0]: |
        apt-get update
        apt-get upgrade -y
# Additional key/value pairs are not processed by Genesis, but are copied into
# the inventory.yml file and made available to post-Genesis scripts and/or
# playbooks.