10. Appendix - A Cheat SheetΒΆ

Setting up the Deployer Node

  • Deployer OS Requirements:
    • Ubuntu
      • Release 14.04LTS or 16.04LTS
      • SSH login enabled
      • sudo priviledges
    • RHEL

Installing the OpenPOWER Cluster Genesis Software

  • Install git
    • Ubuntu:

      $ sudo apt-get install git
    • RHEL:

      $ sudo yum install git
  • From your home directory, clone Cluster Genesis:

    $ git clone https://github.com/open-power-ref-design-toolkit/cluster-genesis

Running the OpenPOWER Cluster Genesis Software:

$ cd cluster-genesis
$ ./scripts/install.sh   (this will take a few minutes to complete)
$ source scripts/setup-env
  • copy your config.yml file to the /cluster-genesis directory

  • create the Genesis container:

    $ cd playbooks
    $ ansible-playbook -i hosts lxc-create.yml -K (create container. Verify container networks)

To begin cluster genesis:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install_1.yml -K (begins cluster genesis)
Allow several minutes to run.

After the command prompt returns, and after any introspection scripts are run (if desired):

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install_2.yml -K (begins cluster genesis)
Allow up to 30 minutes to run.

After the command prompt returns, run the following to see the status/progress of operating system load for each cluster node:

sudo cobbler status (from within container at /home/deployer/cluster-genesis)

Configuring networking on the cluster nodes:

$ ansible-playbook -i ../scripts/python/cluster-genesis/inventory.py gather_mac_addresses.yml -u root --private-key=~/.ssh/id\_rsa\_ansible-generated
$ ansible-playbook -i ../scripts/python/cluster-genesis/inventory.py configure\_operating\_systems.yml -u root --private-key=~/.ssh/id\_rsa\_ansible-generated

Accessing the deployment container

  • To see a list of containers on the deployer:

    $ sudo lxc-ls
  • To access the container as root:

    $ sudo lxc-attach -n yourcontainername

alternately, you can ssh into the container;

To get the login information:

$ grep "^deployer" ~/cluster-genesis/playbooks/hosts

deployer ansible_user=deployer ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible-generated ansible_host=

Logging into the container as user “deployer”:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id\_rsa\_ansible-generated deployer@


  • if you change the ip address of the container, (ie if you recreate the container) you may need to replace the cached ECDSA host key in the .ssh/known_hosts file:

    $ ssh-keygen -R container-ip-address
  • if you reboot the deployer node you need to restart the deployment container:

    $ lxc-start -d -n <container name>

Checking the Genesis Log

Genesis writes status and error messages to; /home/deployer/cluster-genesis/log.txt

You can display this file:

$ cat /home/deployer/cluster-genesis/log.txt

Checking the DHCP lease table

From within the container:

$ cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

Logging into the cluster nodes

from the deployer node (host namespace):

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible-generated userid-default@a.b.c.d

or as root:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_ansible-generated root@a.b.c.d #(as root -i not needed from cluster nodes)

with password; from deployer or cluster node:

$ ssh userid-default@a.b.c.d # password: password-default (from config.yml)