Appendix - I Transferring Deployement Container to New Host =========================================================== TODO: general description Save Container Files -------------------- #. Note container name from LXC status:: user@origin-host:~$ sudo lxc-ls -f #. Archive LXC files:: user@origin-host:cluster-genesis/scripts $ ./ [container_name] #. Save config.yml, inventory.yml, and known_hosts files:: origin-host:/config.yml origin-host:/var/oprc/inventory.yml origin-host:/playbooks/known_hosts Prepare New Host ---------------- #. Install git - Ubuntu:: user@new-host:~$ sudo apt-get install git - RHEL:: user@new-host:~$ sudo yum install git #. From your home directory, clone Cluster Genesis:: user@new-host:~$ git clone #. Install the remaining software packages used by Cluster Genesis and setup the environment:: user@new-host:~$ cd cluster-genesis user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis$ ./scripts/ (this will take a few minutes to complete):: user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis$ source scripts/setup-env **NOTE:** anytime you leave and restart your shell session, you need to re-execute the set-env script. Alternately, (recommended) add the following to your .bashrc file; *PATH=~/cluster-genesis/deployenv/bin:$PATH* ie:: user@new-host:~$ echo "PATH=~/cluster-genesis/deployenv/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc #. Copy config.yml, inventory.yml, and known_hosts files from origin to new host:: new-host:/config.yml new-host:/var/oprc/inventory.yml new-host:/playbooks/known_hosts #. If needed, modify config.yml and inventory.yml 'port-mgmt-network'. This value represents the port number that the deployer is connected to the management switch. #. Append cluster-genesis host keys to user's known_hosts:: user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis$ cat playbooks/known_hosts >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts **NOTE:** If user@new-host:~/.ssh/known_hosts already includes keys for any of these host IP address this action will result in SSH refusing to connect to the host (with host key checking enabled). #. Make the ~/cluster-genesis/playbooks directory the current working directory:: user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis$ cd ~/cluster-genesis/playbooks/ #. Setup host networking:: user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis/playbooks$ ansible-playbook -i hosts lxc-create.yml -K --extra-vars "networks_only=True" #. Configure management switch:: user@new-host:~/cluster-genesis/playbooks$ ansible-playbook -i hosts container/set_mgmt_switch_config.yml Restore container from archive ------------------------------ #. Copy LXC file archive from origin to new host #. Run '' script to install and start container:: user@new-host:cluster-genesis/scripts $ ./ container_archive [new_container_name] #. Use LXC status to verify container is running:: user@new-host:~$ sudo lxc-ls -f