10. Building the Introspection Kernel and Filesystem

Introspection enables the clients to boot a Linux mini-kernel and filesystem prior to deployment. This allows Cluster Genesis to extract client hardware resource information and provides an environment for users to run configuration scripts (e.g. RAID volume management).

10.1. Building

  1. By default, the introspection kernel is built automatically whenever one of the following commands are executed, and the introspection option is enabled in the config.yml file

    cd cluster-genesis/playbooks
    ansible_playbook -i hosts lxc-create.yml -K
    ansible_playbook -i hosts lxc-introspect.yml -K
    ansible_playbook -i hosts introspection_build.yml -K
    gen deploy #if introspection was specified in the config.yml file
  2. Wait for introspection_build.yml playbook to complete. If the rootfs.cpio.gz and vmlinux images already exist, the playbook will not rebuild them.

  3. The final kernel and filesystem will be copied from the deployer container to the host filesystem under ‘cluster-genesis/os_images/introspection’

10.1.1. Buildroot Config Files

Introspection includes a default buildroot and linux kernel config files.

These files are located in introspection/configs directory under cluster-genesis.

If there are any additional features or packages that you wish to add to the introspection kernel, they can be added to either of the configs prior to setup.sh being executed.

10.2. Run Time

Average load and build time on a POWER8 Server(~24 mins)

10.3. Public Keys

To append a public key to the buildroot filesystem

  1. Build.sh must have been run prior
  2. Execute add_key.sh <key.pub>
  3. The final updated filesystem will be placed into output/rootfs.cpio.gz